Election 2020

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根据 CAAS bylaw, 2020年9月举行董事会换届选举。第三届董事会7人,任期从2018年9月到2020年9月;第四届董事会选举成立后,任期从2020年9月到2022年9月。


地点:Online in wechat




Christina Wu

2000年来美国至今18年,在Sudbury 居住了5年,在教育孩子中体会到以身作则潜移默化的影响比说教更有效后,开始加入各种热心公益活动,前后在Acton 中文学校做了7年老师,组织各种义工活动,组织协调老年中心各种活动,成立了Loring 中文俱乐部,筹划春节晚会,现任Sudbury华协主席。希望下一届能继续为华人社区服务,带领大家积极参与镇里活动,为推广华人融入,文化传播作出更大奉献。



2005年来美国至今13年,在Sudbury 居住了7年,在和孩子们一起成长的过程中体会到以身作则潜移默化的影响比说服教育更有效力,热心参与组织多次活动,包括登山、滑雪,和历届本镇华人春晚的筹备及组织工作组。希望加入Sudbury下一届村委会,继续为华人社区服务,积极支持参与镇里活动,为提升华人知名度和影响力,以及中华文化的交流传播作出一份努力。



2010年迁入Sudbury,程序员,现任Sudbury CAAS董事会成员之一。不爱政治,实干主义者。愿意尽自己的绵薄之力,为华人村民做点事。



自1992年来美国留学至今已26年,2002年搬到Sudbury 居住了16年。是美国自由平等建国理念的忠实拥护者。从事高科技投资,是公司的创始人和执行总裁。热心公益活动,是本届村委会董事成成员之一。希望下一届能继续为华人社区服务,协助大家积极参与镇里活动,为推广华人融入,文化传播作出自己的一份奉献。



Sudbury 十三年村龄。文艺爱好理工女。好善乐施,不爱社交但关心社会。嫉恶如仇,厌恶政治但关注政治。因为上梁不正下梁歪,大环境决定小环境,只有健康安定的社会才能保障个人的安居乐业,只有全民的幸福感才能提升个人的幸福感。近年来,协助村协组织策划春晚节目,积极捐款并参与地方和全国一些致力提升华裔正面影响力的活动,希望能带动更多华裔关心社区关注社会。乐从点滴做起,尽微薄之力,与各位村委和义工们把村华协办得更好,不仅为村友们提供有更丰富的活动,也希望帮助提升村华协在Sudbury的影响力。


2000年来美国至今18年,在Sudbury 居住了5年。积极参加各种活动,筹划春节晚会,现任Sudbury理事会成员之一。希望下一届能继续为华人社区服务,推广华人融入,为文化传播作出更大奉献。


Jason Huang

A rising junior at Lincoln-Sudbury. I have been involved in many of CAAS’s youth development programs, such as being an announcer at the Chinese New Year festivals, leading a dragon dance group, and participating in various community service projects led by the organization.

I am certain that I will be able contribute further to CAAS’s mission to promote awareness of Chinese culture and heritage by being a part of the Board of Directors. As a part of this group, I would seek to promote youth involvement in the community and help to maintain the organization’s website. Furthermore, as a student in good standing and a captain of the LS math team, I believe that I have the necessary work ethic, leadership experience, and motivation to better serve this community.

Chris Li

I'm a rising junior at Lincoln Sudbury Regional High School. Despite my age I am an experienced director and organizer involved with LS clubs including the Model United Nations Club and the Musicians Union while also founding the musical group Flashing Headlights of 2 years. I’ve been behind or directly participant in various CAAS programs including hosting Chinese New Year Festivals, overseeing a dragon dance squad, advertising events such as the LS Dumpling Festival at school, and taking part in community service projects led by the organization. As a second generation American born Chinese, I’ve also experienced first hand the social mechanics of Asian Culture thriving within Sudbury and have been able to advise on program decisions such as location and event details based on my direct relationship with the community as a whole. I believe I can continue to provide my attitude and skillset effectively for CAAS’s model of advocating awareness of Chinese culture and heritage as a member of the Board of Directors. As a student athlete, avid public speaker, and band leader, I believe that I possess the leadership, diligence, and management experience to better CAAS’s mission.




  • 现场顺序:候选人介绍,投票,公布结果,第三届董事会选举主席
  • 投票采用现场投票和微信投票两种。估计微信投票在8:30左右开始,持续30分钟
  • 7位成人候选人里4位是现任村委会成员,1位是第一届的委员,只有2位算是新人加入。看来现实不允许差额选举,经过村委会讨论这届就不进行差额选举了,所有候选人都会选进第三届村委会。但是还是希望大家投票表决,票数多少虽然不决定选举,但是仍然可以了解一下大家对华协支持的力度,希望大家投票,去现场还是微信,都可以参与!
  • 2位高中生候选人进入 youth committee


  • 一共39人参加投票,候选人最高得票37,最少得票34,均远远超过半数,谢谢大家支持
  • 新产生的第三届董事会(7人)进行了主席选举,最后胡忠伟当选第三任 CAAS 主席
  • Jason Huang 和 Chris Li 组成 CAAS Youth Committee

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