Election 2020

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根据 CAAS bylaw, 2020年9月举行董事会换届选举。第三届董事会7人,任期从2018年9月到2020年9月;第四届董事会选举成立后,任期从2020年9月到2022年9月。


地点:Online in wechat






Sudbury 十五年村龄。文艺爱好理工女。近年来,协助村协组织策划春晚节目,积极捐款并参与地方和全国一些致力提升华裔正面影响力的活动,希望能带动更多华裔关心社区关注社会。乐从点滴做起,尽微薄之力,与各位村委和义工们把村华协办得更好,不仅为村友们提供有更丰富的活动,也希望帮助提升村华协在Sudbury的影响力。







湖北省武汉市人。复旦大学数学系本科毕业,康州大学数学系博士。2003年加入SLC Management,现任衍生证劵及量化策略部董事总经理。在Sudbury已居住七年。本人爱好网球,篮球,及旅游。工作之余热心公益活动,在GainingGround, Cradles to Crayons 等地方做志愿者。关注本镇学区建设,曾任Nixon School Advisory Council 家长代表。


1. 与妻子和三个孩子自2015年一月起一直在Sudbury居住。 2. 三个孩子分别在LS, Curtis 和 Loring 就读。 3. 积极参与社区活动, 热衷帮助他人。 4. 一直从事硬盘和固态硬盘研发工作,熟悉各种数据存储协议。 5. 曾获电子工程硕士和航空航天博士学位。 6. 美国公民, 持保守理念。


2005年来美国至今15年,在Sudbury 居住了9年,在和孩子们一起成长的过程中体会到以身作则潜移默化的影响比说服教育更有效力,热心参与组织多次活动,包括登山、滑雪,和历届本镇华人春晚的筹备及组织工作组。希望留任Sudbury下一届村委会,继续为华人社区服务,积极支持参与镇里活动,为提升华人知名度和影响力,以及中华文化的交流传播作出一份努力。



Arianna Xie (谢洁莹)

A story that motivates me to continue to help others, including the Chinese community, is that of how one of my best friends, Sarah, and I became friends. On the first day of 7th grade, I was sitting in English class when Sarah walked in. We didn’t know each other at the time, but she seemed extremely shy and was looking for a place to sit. There was an open seat next to me, so I invited her over and tried to talk to her. From this experience, I gained a long-term friend and learned that you never know what a kind gesture, along with a helping mind, would bring you. This coming school year, I will be a junior at Lincoln-Sudbury Regional High School. I have participated in numerous Chinese-related activities from a young age such as MCing, and performing in Chinese school talent shows and speech contests. I have also volunteered for a few other programs, such as Reading Buddies at the Goodnow Library and performing with the LymeLight (another association similar to the CAAS). I enjoyed volunteering for the Reading Buddies program because it gave me a chance to help other children gain a better understanding of the English language, which is an opportunity I never really had. I also enjoyed volunteering with the LymeLight because we had the opportunity of performing at a variety of senior centers and nursing homes to keep the seniors' company. I also admired the message of practicing the Chinese tradition of visiting and respecting elders. I would like to further advance the CAAS’s mission, by helping Sudbury develop a better understanding of the Chinese culture, and by exposing the younger second-generation American-Born-Chinese (ABC) kids to the English language through books. As a second-generation ABC, I have experienced multiple obstacles that people typically would not have to face. Therefore, I would like to try to make those challenges easier for the younger second-generation ABCs. I consider myself to be very organized, which has helped me in the process of planning and teaching a PE class at Curtis Middle School. I believe that I can make a helpful contribution to further progress the CAAS’s mission through my strategic thinking, organization skills, and desire to help others.

Aria Shi

I am a rising sophomore at Lincoln Sudbury Regional High School. As an avid leader inside and outside of school, I have experience organizing a number of fundraisers and projects. I am also a captain of the LS Speech and Debate Team. In the past, I have helped out in multiple CAAS activities including organizing games at the annual Chinese New Year festival and participating once as an event announcer as well. I am excited that I can take a bigger role in CAAS this year as a youth committee board member. My leadership experience and my passion for volunteering gives me confidence that I can contribute positively to the Sudbury Chinese community. I am looking forward to the coming year!

正在更新中 ...


  1. =其他事项=
    • 现场顺序:候选人介绍,投票,公布结果,第三届董事会选举主席
    • 投票采用现场投票和微信投票两种。估计微信投票在8:30左右开始,持续30分钟
    • 7位成人候选人里4位是现任村委会成员,1位是第一届的委员,只有2位算是新人加入。看来现实不允许差额选举,经过村委会讨论这届就不进行差额选举了,所有候选#人都会选进第三届村委会。但是还是希望大家投票表决,票数多少虽然不决定选举,但是仍然可以了解一下大家对华协支持的力度,希望大家投票,去现场还是微信,都#可以参与!
    • 2位高中生候选人进入 youth committee
  1. =选举结果=
    • 一共39人参加投票,候选人最高得票37,最少得票34,均远远超过半数,谢谢大家支持
    • 新产生的第三届董事会(7人)进行了主席选举,最后胡忠伟当选第三任 CAAS 主席
    • Jason Huang 和 Chris Li 组成 CAAS Youth Committee
  2. CAAS 3rd board.jpg