Election 2022

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根据 CAAS bylaw, 2022年10月举行董事会换届选举。第四届董事会6人,任期从2020年9月到2022年9月;第五届董事会选举成立后,任期从2022年10月到2024年9月。


时间:2022年10月22日 - 10月24日
地点:Online with link in Email and Wechat



Stella Ge

今年是我在Sudbury的第二年,由于疫情的原因,再加上家有小娃,搬来Sudbury后,一直希望能够有平台认识其他家庭。这几年,随着 Sudbury 华人逐渐增多,包括越来越多年轻家庭的加入,我希望可以加入华协继续给 Sudbury 华人搭建平台,促进互相认识,互通信息等,特别是帮助新加入者融入到华人集体中。并且,希望我的加入能够代表一些年轻家庭的想法和意见,让华协组织的活动尽可能多的匹配到不同年龄段人的需求。另外,也希望通过团结大家来增加华人在本地区的影响力。 Bio: Years in Sudbury: 2 年 Occupation: 金融分析 Areas of interest: 音乐 Strength: 有责任心,乐于助人

Christina Wu 武昱芳

加入 board 是为了和 board 成员团结一心,为我们 Sudbury 的华人生活更丰 富色彩,调动大家积极性,鼓励大家施展自己才能,献计献策,增加华人群体影响力,携手共建美好家园 Together we make our Sudbury a better home. 如果当选 board, 会组织 volunteer 义工,host 和大家生活相关的讲座,组建 Chinese music and dance night. 丰富大家生活。 Bio: Years in Sudbury: 9 years Areas of Interest: 看电影,听音乐,滑冰,和朋友聊天

Helen Huang

I have been a resident of Sudbury for 20+ years, with one child currently in LS and one graduated from LS. I have been involved with the Chinese Association’s board in the past and helped with activities, including training the kids to dragon dance and organizing our annual new year festival. I believe that we should celebrate our tradition and embrace the world around us, build our community together and see our children grow into responsible loving adults. As a board member, I hope to take the necessary steps to make a difference in our community.

Jie Cheng 程婕

如果当选成为其中一员,会与其他成员一起共同做好华协活动的策划和组织工作,并且无论当选与否都会继续在Food Pantry开展志愿活动。 Bio: Years in Sudbury: 4 Family Member: 3 From:上海 Occupation:在家工作 Areas of interest:看电影(尤其是日本电影) Strengths: 1、长期在Food Pantry做志愿者,与Food Pantry比较熟 2、有足够多的时间可以参与华协工作。

Xiaoya Liang (梁筱雅)

毕业于华东师范大学和Emerson College,2016年来到美国,2022年夏季成为Sudbury居民。我希望可以成为Sudbury华协理事会的成员,组织各类活动,结交各方朋友,为本地华人社区的建设和中华文化的传播贡献一份力。同时,我也希望我们的下一代能通过华协一起成长,学习和理解中华文化。

Kate Li (李佳漪)

毕业于北京大学和宾州州立大学,2001年来到美国,2013年起成为Sudbury居民。曾在Boston Cares做过四年义工,和担任Loring PTO的Assistant Treasurer和Treasurer。我希望可以成为Sudbury华协理事会的成员,多认识村里的华人,多组织活动让大家相识相知,感受到大家庭的温馨幸福。我也希望我们的孩子们可以通过华协从小一起成长,一起为社区做贡献,一起学习和传播中华文化。


毕业于中国科学技术大学物理系,2000年来美国, 在Sudbury居住了十年。曾担任过Sudbury华协理事会成员。积极参与和组织各种社区活动。 我希望成为村委会成员,和大家一起共建我们的社区,还希望能够推动增强华人在 Sudbury 以及 周边地区的影响力,帮助我们的下一代更好的融入社区,发展和弘扬中华文化。

Julie Bei (貝小敏)

畢業於University of Southern California. 在Sudbury居住了13 年。育有二個孩子。長女已出社會工作,次子現上十年級。 在 Sudbury 認識了很多好朋友, 他們都是很熱心於社團公益. 在他們的影響下,我也希望出一份力和他們一起為 Sudbury的居民做出一些貢獻. 也希望華人能團結在一起教導我們的下一代去發揚和傳承中華文化。

Jue Wang 王珏



Serena Hu

I am a dedicated and inquisitive high school student with exceptional teamwork and leadership capabilities. I'm seeking to acquire more knowledge through your program. Listed below are my experience and education background. Experience ● MARTIAL ARTS INSTRUCTOR ○ Support and help teach a class of 15+ young children ○ Correct and show the right forms, hold pads and boards, motivate kids and help out with games, teach weapon forms, attend classes regularly ○ Second place in The World Martial Arts Federation competition ● VOLUNTEER AT GOODNOW LIBRARY ○ Help to maintain books in order ○ Assist events held at library ● VOLUNTEER AT SUDBURY FOOD PANTRY ○ Pre-package food for distribution ○ Deliver food Education ● LINCOLN-SUDBURY REGIONAL HIGH SCHOOL, SUDBURY, MA ○ 10th grade

Isabelle Li 李梓卿

Junior at Lincoln-Sudbury Regional High School. I have taken part in CAAS activities since I was eight years old; some of the earliest events I volunteered for were leaf raking/blowing during the fall, and I have also participated and performed in Sudbury’s annual Chinese New Year Celebrations since the first ever one was held. I volunteered in the first Lunar New Year Celebration at the Goodnow Library as well. A few of my more recent activities with CAAS include leaf blowing last fall and volunteering for food pantry this summer. I very much enjoy doing volunteer work and hope to continue contributing to this community.

Daniel Lin

在Sudbury 生活8 年了。我是一名LS 10 年级学生。初中开始就在community farm 和food pantry做义工。今年夏天还跟我们镇的老年中心合作,演奏钢琴曲目两次,每次一个小时。老人们很喜欢。我想加入华协,希望能为我们华人社区做点贡献。我热衷公益、积极乐观,喜欢音乐,钢琴十级,喜欢运动。

Bryan Ma

I am a Junior at LS high school. Since 6th grade, I have been involved in various volunteer activities at Chinese-American Association of Sudbury (CAAS) and other community organizations including Boy Scout Troop 61 of Sudbury. I have volunteered at the Sudbury Community Food Pantry, Assabet River National Wildlife Refuge and Drumlin Farm in Lincoln. In my spare time, I enjoy playing tennis and basketball, bouldering and scouting with my friends.

I have hosted and performed at past CAAS Lunar New Year Gala shows. I would like to serve on the Youth Committee to raise cultural awareness of the entire Sudbury community.

Alana Liu

Bio and qualities: - I am a LS high school junior student. - Has an enthusiastic positive attitude. - Always pursuing opportunities to learn, grow and expand. - I have been evaluated by friends with these characteristics: reliable, integrity, courage, understanding, trustworthy. - I am forward looking and goal oriented.

Reason to join CAAS: - I have always desired more opportunities to serve the community that I grew up in. - Interested in getting to know more about Chinese culture.

Vision: - I’m really looking forward to contributing to a better community through my service. - It’s also exciting to make more friends through working together.


